I'm sure you've seen this image below...but what could it be saying? There are several interpretations.

I rather like the one that says Donald=Dorothy.

 He got swept up in the events of the 20th and 21st century...including the left brain way of raising children. He was ripped away from his Inner Being at birth and thrown to the left brain lions. We all were ripped away.

He knew truth when he was born (as do all of us) but those around him/us   brainwashed/gaslighted him into believing a very limiting set of beliefs. The same ones they were brainwashed/gaslighted into believing as children. 

The very limiting short-range , superficial thinking is the  tornado of self-destruction that has turned the 20th/21st centuries into....

...THE NEW DARK AGES. There is a storm raging.

So all of us were brainwashed/gaslighted into off-loading our True Knowing, and espousing the fad/thinking of  the left hemisphere...of using it almost exclusively. Its our male mind. 

Our female mind( right brain) got put on the top shelf in the closet and allowed to gather dust. Rarely used.

Meanwhile our ego/male mind --which both males and females have--tried to co-opt all of the powers, abilities and skills of the right brain.  And THAT has screwed us up big time.

We need the left brain/ego mind, but in a very specific an extension of our physical senses the exploring part of ourselves out on the leading edge of creativity. He has an important job to do. But he got arrogant and thought he didn't need Her... the vaster part of all of us. He thought he vould dominate her and  make her be his slave. 

 She is our Within Self, our Eternal Self. Emotions, intuition and paradox etc, etc. are Her tools. She is always with the Ruby Slippers. But we need to be reminded of Her magic. We need to remember....

"Theres no place like home." 

Our home is within ourselves. No need to look elsewhere, outside of ourselves. But we live in a crazy paradigm that says "Everything  real is OUT THERE." Authorities, power, objective reality, the causes of everything, assessment of oursrlves...its all out there...or so  the nutty paradigm says. 


And the people who see that the Emperor (King Outsideness/Separation) is naked and powerless. The sane ones are called "insane" by the insane ones.

Meanwhile, our insane self is doing his addictions. First of all he's  Chauvinistically addicted to identifying with his male self. Masculine is best...or is there really another grnder at all? Not of any importance...he repeats to himsekf reassuringly over and over.

And if he gets truth leaks in..., he can drown it out in alcohol, drugs, over work, chasing money, ridicule, sex, grabbing genitals, social causes, politics, war, false entertainment, horror movies, slam bam action movies, war movies with "heroes", patriotism, competition ( no holds barred), devices, computer games, TV, novels, sneering at truth, being super sophisticated and canny, etc etc.

So we are all just like Donald.  We had the same upbringing in the nutty put-all-your-eggs-in- the-left-brain-basket-paradigm.

Some of us chose to be perps within this paradigm, and others chose to be victims ...yes victims do choose that role. This is a big stretch to understand from that very same left brain paradigm. In fact, it can't be done.

If anyone wants to check out the truth or falseness of that statement , they would have to get into a right brain state. It is our vaster self that knows what is True. If one is relying on the left brain, they will not be able to understand that victims create their own reality too, just as perps do.

Fortunately, meditation is an easy way to get into a right brain state and connect with ones vaster , wiser self. So if one wants could meditate...could ask any question in meditation. They'll get Truth.

And Trump, I  believe, is playing an important role in our collective salvation. He is showing us a part of ourselves that is hurting badly. He is lost and didnt know how it happened. His poor overworked ego self is struggling to try and gain some balance after the spin of the brainwashing-tornado.

 He thought he had the important in the eyes of others...make as much money as you can...construct a  (fraudulent) self that you think will be able to survive and thrive in this world...delude yourself and others.

How many of us does not fit this? one degree or another. How many of us dont hide our true feelings from ourself and others. 

And that makes us fradulent. Knowing that we're something of a flim flam man too, in our jobs...our professions...our families. Psychological studies show that most people feel like frauds in their professions...and they are...because we lost our child-like truthfulness about ourselves. We caved to others around us who said..."You must be this way for me, and you must do that for me...and these outside authorities say you must be this way."

And so we knocked ourselves out trying to figure out the game and to play it right. But it is such a BIGGER GAME than we  came even close to imagining. 

So Donald is standing in the crowded square in OZ and the balloon is drifting away without him. Will he   find someone to say "Your Ruby Slippers  will carry you home. You have the power within you to have, do and be anything you want. And that power is your own vaster, Divine Feminine Self within. Go home to Her." 

Plain and simple ...Home is the WHOLE of us...not just this small left brain bit we've been trying to rely upon--the part that keeps fruitlessly looking outside of ourselves for answers. Not just our personal ego self.

 We need to SURRENDER ourselves to that vaster part of ourselves...our vast Inner Being. Our Spiritual Home-Self. That's what I know.
